Cosmologically Speaking, this “Cold Full Moon” in Gemini is a powerfully auspicious time to strengthen each of our relationships with Source, God, Divine Intelligence …or by whichever name. Come into alignment with that core essence within to receive constructive life elevation and Guidance.
All information that harmonizes our expansive uplifting spiritual and practical daily physical/material environments is key. Read scripture, listen to uplifting music, dance, be outdoors in nature, communicate by any means that inspires and uplifts. Tune into Self to see the way forward.
Early this morning I had the blessing of Kriya yoga meditation and a lesson from the Bhagavad Gita graciously taught by Yogacharya Ellen Grace O’Brian at The Center for Spiritual Enlightenment …a profound example of the archetypal light of this full moon’s meaning.
How are you being inspired today?
*****Special Offer*****
An online Astrological Reading for all teachers offered on a donation basis throughout December. Contact me to book your one hour reading.